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"Piccolette" had originally been manufactured by Contessa-Nettel in Germany. It came on the market in 1920 going with the popularity of "Vest Pocket Kodak Camera" that had been launched in 1912.
This camera had been continued to be manufactured after five camera manufacturers including Contessa-Nettel united into Zeiss Ikon G.m.b.H. in 1926. The camera introduced in this issue is presumed to be manufactured after the unification, for it has the trade mark of Zeiss Ikon on its body.

Piccolette had been sold in several variations of combinations of lens and shutter. The camera in this issue was a high-quality version among them that it was equipped with Tessar f4.5/75mm and Compur Shutter, and in those days in Japan, it was sold at a higher price (180 yen at the time) comparing to around 25 yen of popular, moderate-priced cameras with single-element lens.

On Piccolette, major defects that was found on vest pocket cameras had been improved such as that the durability of pickets was increased by streching a picket from one end to the other and also the film cassette made it much easier to load the film.

Well then, let's take a look at it.


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